Guest Loyalty in the Clubs & RSLs Industry

Guest loyalty is the best and butter for the clubs and RSLs industry.
If you are in this industry, you already know that recurring revenue from returning guests is what runs the business.
Whatever business you’re associated with - be it a club, casino, RSL, or even a game arcade, you’d want people to come back to you.
And that’s the reason why businesses in the clubs and RSLs industry spend a significant chunk of money to keep their places tip-top. Unfortunately, most businesses in this sector are now struggling to offer the “unique touch”.
Because all the luxuries that you can offer are easily copied by your competitors.
Only businesses that are perceived as brands can enjoy guest loyalty.
If you are just another club or just another RSL in the minds of your guests, you’ll stay ordinary. And that’s not a good omen for the business.
Guest loyalty is a dream for businesses in the clubs and RSLs industry. And there’s a way to achieve that by introducing Ambient Scenting into your brand positioning strategy.
Ambient Scenting and Guest Loyalty
As mentioned, guest loyalty sits at the heart of the clubs and RSLs industry.
Let’s evaluate how ambient scenting can help you achieve that.
Take a look at your life. Ever noticed that even with practically countless restaurant choices, you tend to choose the same ‘safe’ options regularly?
Or whenever you smell freshly baked cookies, your mind teleports to the times when your grandma baked you cookies in your childhood.
You get the point, right? That’s because the human mind likes making associations. And when some experience becomes positively associated in our brains, we’d want to repeatedly have that experience.
Now, in marketing and business terms, this is called cognitive associations. And marketers use this as a tool to create brand loyalty in the minds of their customers.
Ambient scenting is a way to communicate your brand identity to your customers. You will subtly train their minds to form positive associations with your business. Once they are at your place, they’ll have a good time, while ambient scenting strengthens their brain's positive associations.
So the next time they feel low and want to have an amazing time, their brains will signal them to visit your club. Now before you discard this point as something irrational, know that prominent names in the clubs and RSLs industry, like Yarraville Club, Davistown RSL, and Opium Nightclub, are already using this phenomenon to grow their businesses.
And they are using Scent Australia products to get there. Surely you can enjoy growth and guest loyalty as well with our scenting solutions.
Implement the best scenting solutions NOW!
Businesses are using scenting solutions by Scent Australia to achieve their growth goals.
Guest loyalty in the case of the club and RSLs industry. If you want customised scenting solutions for your place as well, feel free to book our consultation. But let us share our most popular product with you – the commercial diffuser.
The commercial diffuser is a powerful diffuser that can scent up a space of up to 900m3. It’s a top-notch option that’s one of the best available in the market. It works so silently that no one at your business space will be disturbed.
Neither the guests nor your staff members. And on top of it, the diffuser uses the least possible oil quantity to scent your spaces.
Isn’t that great? What’s even better is that you can also avail this diffuser for rental periods if you don’t want to purchase the product.
And if you want to buy it, you can get it in easy instalments.
We also create signature scent extensions, such as room sprays and candles which you can use for smaller and confined spaces.
Using these scenting tools, you will surely see a great boost in guest loyalty which should eventually reflect on the profit statements.
Wrapping up – Turn your business into a brand
See, having a nice ambiance and keeping your place top-notch is a priority. But Ambient Scenting can be the factor that turns your business into a brand. And then, you can juice out maximum utility for the money you spend in maintaining and decorating your place.
With scenting solutions from Scent Australia, you can differentiate your business and turn it into a brand. Using our scents, you can enjoy guest loyalty like never before.
As mentioned, many big names in your industry are already doing it. Why do you want to be late to the party and miss out on some serious monetary benefits of implementing Ambient Scenting?
Contact us now to get the best scenting solutions for your business!