Space Furniture

Brand positioning examples that are out of this world
All brand development companies dream of the opportunity to work with a brand like Space Furniture. The collaboration between this leading Australian retailer and Scent Australia is the perfect symbiosis. On one end, there is a company that exclusively hosts only the best international furnishing designs to create an exceptional experience for their team, their clients and their partners. On the other end, there are branding consultants that work with trusted international master perfumers to improve customer satisfaction through the diffusion of top notch fragrances. On both ends there is world class quality and a mutual interest in building a brand based on integrity and customer experience and satisfaction. When the two ends meet, the result is a mutual elevation of brand positioning, a prosperous affair that brings out the best of each other.
Scent marketing enhances Space Furniture’s brand image recognition with carefully developed fragrances that also work as efficient odour control instruments for packed furniture. And Space Furniture welcomes us into their especially created cosmos where those with an eye for vanguard mingle. There is also an opportunity for signature brand extensions - our high standard fragrance oils can reach their customers directly, thus expanding both brand’s portfolios.
Our scents are the simple touch that melts the walls between their brand identity and their guests and clients, the bridge between aspiration and inspiration. “We’re always looking to continually inspire and be creative with our spaces” are the words of Christina Caredes, CEO of Space Furniture. As for us, we offer innovative brand management tools for those wondering about how to strengthen brand identity. We are talking about emotional branding examples where two kindred spirits gravitate towards each other, with values that are aligned and mutually reinforced. An effective brand strategy that works organically to create a brand experience that is innovative and novel. We put together a dynamic composition that provides savvy visitors with a pleasant distraction from the mundane.
Space Furniture’s showrooms in Melbourne and Sydney, where our medium diffusers are installed, are infused with intoxicating confidence emanating from cutting-edge furniture imbued in warm and luxurious aromatics. There is omnipresent indulgence to the senses that deserves and earns memorialisation, translated into brand recall that follows the customer back to their homes when they purchase our reed diffusers. Together, we set up a homely ambience enlivened with professionally curated furniture and scientifically developed fragrances. The natural synergy between Scent Australia and Space Furniture is liberating and assuring for both the businesses and the customers. That is our combined promise which we strive to fulfil.