Enhance a sense of luxury and quality with the use of scent.
The automotive industry or motor vehicle industry is very competitive. Most customers purchase a car very infrequently and therefore have little loyalty for any particular car or auto dealers.
We can help you implement a car dealership marketing, auto dealership marketing or automotive repair shop marketing strategy to differentiate your business and better connect with customers and compliment your current marketing efforts with scent solutions.
Data shows that scent marketing is a new powerful tool and unique marketing trend which can fit in with your car dealer marketing or car dealership marketing strategy and which will make you stand out from the crowd and make your clients or customers experience far more memorable.
Scent helps to create a pleasurable and calming atmosphere for your potential car & auto dealership & auto repair shop customers.
Scent affects emotions and is able to induce feelings of calm and reduced tension and anxiety.
Consumers are more eager to buy and willing to pay more in a scented environment.
Scent can also assist consumers to make an instinctive purchasing decision.
As scent is linked to memory, it makes customers remember the pleasant experience they had.
Scent can help you to have customers coming back to your showroom.
If you are looking for a new and unique car dealership marketing strategy and ideas, contact Scent Australia today and start scenting in no time!
Contact us now